Information disclaimer
Pounds and pence is a personal finance blogging website. All thoughts, views and opinions shared on this platform personal and should not be mistaken for financial or professional advice for your situation. This is purely an informational blog to inspire and motivate others to improve their finances. I am by no means a qualified financial advisor and anyone who is struggling with serious financial difficulties should consult a qualified financial advisor or for debt management companies in your local country to give needed and specialised support. All attempts are made to share accurate information however it may not be suitable for your specific circumstance. I am not a financial or professional expert and you should consult prior to making any financial decisions.
Affiliates Disclaimer
Through my blog and email marketing I will share products with my readers that I feel that can honestly benefit from. These products will provide me with a paid commission to add to my own personal income. The price customers pay is NOT affected and both customers and myself can benefit from a good service. Any recommendations have or are frequently used and therefore I know first-hand that my experiences are positive. I do not take responsibility for any negative experiences the customer may have. Affiliates disclaimers are provided within my blog posts and emails and can be linked through to the relevant website.